When you read about a new skincare product, you’re bombarded with technical information. “Contains Retinol!” they say, leaving it up to you to process that information. Although it can be confusing at times and the ingredients may sound intimidating, we believe it’s worth taking the time to get to know this ‘Rockstar” product!
Of all of these named extracts and chemicals, retinol may very well be the most important as it is a game changer in your skin care regime. It’s got an incredible track record in clinical trials, with numerous papers published about its powerful effects on your skin. Retinol is incredibly effective over a relatively short time frame, with most users noticing the effects after only a few uses.
So how does it work? Retinol is a type of Vitamin A, which already works wonders on your skin. Vitamin A helps your skin rejuvenate itself and boosts your collagen production. Once you hit 30, your skin doesn’t produce enough of this elastic stuff, causing it to become looser and generally older looking.
Whether it’s through this collagen-enhancing action or another mechanism, Retinol also has a visibly noticeable effect on fine lines and wrinkles. It will smooth out your skin and help you look younger, fresher, and more vibrant. It will even reverse the effects of minor sun damage, although this only happens when you’re extra diligent with your usage of sunblock as well.
Although it’s crazy effective, retinol isn’t the most gentle ingredient on your skin which is why it is important to choose the right intensity for your skin. Most people start off using their retinol products just a couple of times per week, (working up to daily nighttime use)and even then, it is possible you may notice dryness, redness, or even a bit of flaking. As your skin gets used to the stuff, you will be able to minimize these effects with a proper moisturizer. That said, be sure to leave plenty of space for the retinol to work — experts suggest waiting about half an hour before you apply your next skincare product.
One part of retinol that’s not really discussed is the source. There are many kinds of retinol, including encapsulated, natural, and synthetic variants. Your skin will respond differently to all three. In fact, many experts think that it’s more important to stick with the right type of retinol instead of focusing on the concentration. This makes it especially important to choose a product with retinol from a quality source that’s in the right form for your skin. Retinol isn’t all sunshine and smiles. It does increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, meaning you only use once a day and only at night. You will also have to be vigilant about applying an appropriate SPF sunblock and. Be sure to incorporate this extra step in your routine!
In order to make choosing a retinol product easier for everyone, Skin Concepts Spa & Wellness carries RejudiCare Synergy Retinol SRX. This innovative product features a blend of three different types of retinol: one encapsulated, one synthetic, and one natural. Each type has been carefully chosen based on its stellar results in trials. This means that you deliver a compact, potent dosage of this rockstar ingredient to your skin each time you apply the product.
On top of that, RejudiCare’s special formulation helps to reduce irritation, allowing you to use higher doses of retinol with fewer side effects. This means less time trying to find the right moisturizer to combat the dryness and redness that you might get with a harsher retinol product. You will still need to use lots of sunblock to combat the increased sunlight sensitivity caused by retinol, but that will be the upside of keeping your skin extra protected from sun damage.
It’s important to make sure that you’re putting the right stuff on and in your body. If you would like to help your skin look younger by improving its elasticity, softness, and smoothness, retinol is the right stuff. It’s incredibly effective at reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and it boosts your skin’s natural production of important building blocks like collagen. You definitely want to be incorporating a retinol product in your skincare routine.
RejudiCare Synergy SRX is available in three strengths: MILD, optimal, and MAX. The mild formulation is best for people with sensitive skin, while the MAX formulation has one of the highest concentrations of retinol around. As your skin builds a tolerance to this important active ingredient, consider moving up to a more concentrated dose for a stronger effect.
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